12.6.2008 - This is why we can't come back to Japan, dears.
This was after Haruka's race last year. That car belonged to the Prime Minister's cousin. 5:38 AM
permalink your words
1.12.2006 - After Senshi
After long anticipation, the first installment of the written work "After Senshi" debuted tonight. Excellent prose and taut storytelling composed the bulk of it. It is the work of Mr. Wolfwood, whose other matters as well as this most impressive piece of writing can be found here.
12:12 AM9.15.2005 - The Hand of Night
The Hand of Night is a fiction written by Mr. Haak which incorporates many of the friends who have come to this house in the action. An excellent afternoon's diversion of reading. The site also contains a stellar introductory primer to the universe of the "Warhammer 40k" game. I would read this, if I had time to play games of such a common nature.
10:46 PM6.1.2005 - Repository ne้ Yaijinden
Some say madness gives rise to great artistry. I do not know about the truth of such matters, being of perfect equipoise when attempting any artistic endeavour, but the man Yaijinden, who is quite mad when he wishes, is exceptional in the literary sphere. This is his site.
7:15 PM4.1.2005 - DBZ Dance
I wake up this morning and log onto the public IRC site to see what events transpired suring my beauty sleep, and what do I find? This abomination as a replacement for the front page. Some kind of "DBZ Dance" that features fighters gyrating in all forms of unsavoury manners, with a horrifying soundtrack to accompany their disgusting actions! What is that man Xadium thinking allowing this!?
10:12 AM1.30.2005 - Ikari Shinji: Lost in Translation
In the hopes that he might put pen to paper and sort out the multifarious details of his confusingly convoluted lifestyle which has spanned over 10,000 years (or is that bastard children?), a stint in the Green Lantern Corps, NERV and the Jedi Order, Xadium has given Ikari Shinji a place to store and develop his memoirs.
11:11 AM1.25.2005 - The Indigo Files / Reserved Places
A new writer has come to the house, and she shows signs of exceptional potential. Her works have been placed in The Indigo Files, for the perusal of the general public. Also, spaces have been preserved for Sporehunt, a pleasing fiction in which Chibiusa-chan is hunted down mercilessly, and for the art of one Shaldra Darkness, who, while not up to my exacting standards, still shows promise of one day being competent in the graphic arts.
9:56 AM1.01.2005 - Social Circling
Oh, it has been a long time since I have been asked to update this page.... I've been given the responsibility of presenting new hosted subsites to the masses, as it should be. I shall endeavour to accomplish this task with the utmost grace and elegance, as is to be expected from a Kaioh.
11:37 PM