Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1519 - “In the eyes of a Stapler...”
IRC Chat #1519

“In the eyes of a Stapler...”

[09:08] *** Fri Jun 19 2009 - LOGGING START ***
[09:08] *** Topic is - creepy~ -
[09:08] *** Set by @SpeedRcrX on Fri Jun 19 09:08 2009

[09:09] <FireFly_9> Well as you all know i've been working for the Japanese test store of Staples™ for almost the past year.
[09:09] <// J_Daito //> Is that what you do when you leave the house
[09:09] <FireFly_9> ... What did you THINK I did?
[09:10] <// J_Daito //> Went to the library, fondled books or something.
[09:10] <FireFly_9> ... I quit my volunteer job there in 200*5*.
[09:12] <// J_Daito //> I never said you were doing it as part of your job
[09:12] <FireFly_9> ...
[09:12] <FireFly_9> At ANY rate.
[09:12] <FireFly_9> I was on the Staples US E-mail list from a long time back when Haruka-poppa convinced me to sign up in order to obtain a free red stapler like the one used in Office Space.
[09:13] <FireFly_9> (Which they never sent, by the way)
[09:13] <FireFly_9> So I've finally decided to unsubscribe.
[09:13] <// J_Daito //> Is there a reason you're boring me with this, ironing board chest no senshi?
[09:13] <FireFly_9> ... You know I think I preferred it when everyone just mislabled me as "goth" ><
[09:14] <FireFly_9> YES the reason I'm "boring you" is that the unsubscription form was hilarious. It asked me why I wanted to subscribe, and here were the options:

[09:15] <// J_Daito //> ...
DCC Chat Session
Client: FireFly_9
Acknowledging Chat Request...
[09:20] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> ??
[09:20] <FireFly_9> Minako-sempai can you photoshop something for me quickly?
[09:20] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Hai!!
DCC Session Closed

[09:20] <FireFly_9> Jedite, don't laugh.
[09:20] <// J_Daito //> ?

[09:21] <// J_Daito //> ...
[09:21] <FireFly_9> Maybe it is.
[09:21] <FireFly_9> Maybe it is.
[09:21] * // J_Daito // is away: That's... strangely discomforting
[09:21] *** Fri Jun 19 2009 - LOGGING STOP ***

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