Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1526 - “Make Sexytime, Make Babytime! ”
IRC Chat #1526

“Make Sexytime, Make Babytime! ”

[10:17] *** Tue Jul 07 2009 - LOGGING START ***
[10:17] *** Topic is - Thanks Mike, for the heads up on this vid! -
[10:17] *** Set by @Dr. Xadium on Tue Jul 07 10:17 2009

[10:18] <FireFly_9> So last night Elios was clinging to Setsuna-momma begging her to do something about the pregnancy.
[10:19] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> I heard he was crying??
[10:19] <// J_Daito //> Yup.
[10:19] <// J_Daito //> He said the "12 gauge shotgun" doesn't work any longer due to the mental distress
[10:20] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> Bad mental image :/
[10:20] <FireFly_9> No the bad mental image was when, upon being asked why he hadn't had the vasectomy he had been thinking of getting
[10:21] <FireFly_9> he replied "because the Chibster liked the cream coating, yo".
[10:21] <[gTV]C'est_la_V> ><
[10:21] * [gTV]C'est_la_V is away: vomit!!
[10:21] <// J_Daito //> Hahahaha
[10:21] <// J_Daito //> You know, I'm enjoying this turn of events immensely.
[10:21] <FireFly_9> I'm not, but it's not like it was unpredictable.
[10:22] <FireFly_9> Elios hits on every woman he sees, and Chibiusa-chan does the same for men.
[10:23] <FireFly_9> Considering she's "broken" men such as Kim Jong Il and Bruce Wayne (!) I'd have figured she'd be in this situation long before now.
[10:23] <FireFly_9> I want to feel sorry for her, but it's not like it wasn't a possible outcome.
[10:23] <// J_Daito //> you must be reveling in the fact you lead a sexless life.
[10:24] <FireFly_9> ¬_¬
[10:24] * // J_Daito // laughs heartily at you
[10:24] <FireFly_9> At least I'm not eating for two, so I'm not going to complain.
[10:25] <// J_Daito //> How is the runt taking it, anyway? I haven't seen her since word broke of her "delicate condition."
[10:25] <FireFly_9> She hasn't said a word about it.
[10:25] <FireFly_9> She's just going about her daily routine.
[10:26] <// J_Daito //> Daily routine being "latch onto the leg of any man she sees"
[10:26] <// J_Daito //> ?
[10:26] * FireFly_9 sighs.
[10:27] <FireFly_9> Well... her short stature aside she's physically about 19
[10:28] <// J_Daito //> Wait what
[10:28] <// J_Daito //> When did this happen
[10:28] <FireFly_9> She was "913" when she showed up.
[10:28] <FireFly_9> It's been eight years or so
[10:29] <// J_Daito //> I don't think it works that way, Tomoe the younger.
[10:29] <FireFly_9> ...
[10:29] <FireFly_9> I don't even know. It's more confusing than the issue of my age.
[10:30] <FireFly_9> I just use my original birthdate of January 6th, 1981, making me 28
[10:32] <FireFly_9> But an argument can be made I was "born" on January 29th, 1994, after the incident with Pharaoh 90 in which my first body was destroyed, making me...
[10:32] * // J_Daito // does the math
[10:32] <// J_Daito //> Jailbait.
[10:32] <FireFly_9> ... go to hell :P
[10:33] <// J_Daito //> Well you certainly have the BODY of an anemic 15 year old
[10:33] <FireFly_9> My hatred for you knows little bounds.
[10:33] *** Reverend_H [] has joined #suburbansenshi
[10:33] <+Luna-P> y0 Reverend_H
[10:33] <Reverend_H> Hey y'all
[10:34] <// J_Daito //> LOL it's the Elysion man pretending to be a Japanese Man pretending to be a White Man pretending to be a Black Man pretending to be "Street"
[10:34] <Reverend_H> Yo f[BLEEP]k you, yo, aite?
[10:34] <// J_Daito //> No, sorry, apparently the Spore had that pleasure and soon you'll have this pleasure:

[10:35] <Reverend_H> ...
[10:35] <Reverend_H> Imma shank you, yo
[10:36] <// J_Daito //> AHAHAHAHAHAAH I hear your "sword" is a bit blunt right now
[10:37] <Reverend_H> T_T
[10:37] *** Tue Jul 07 2009 - LOGGING STOP ***

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