Suburban Senshi IRC Chat #1600 - “If you weren't blind before...”

“If you weren't blind before...”

[21:02] *** Sun Apr 04 2010 - LOGGING START ***
[21:02] *** Topic is - I blame you for this Potamos -
[21:02] *** Set by @Dr. Xadium on Sun Apr 04 21:02 2010

[21:03] <FireFly_9> So it is easter, and Chibiusa's baby was due today.
[21:03] <FireFly_9> But it seems to be late.
[21:03] <FireFly_9> Nonetheless we think it will come out like this:

[21:03] <@SpeedRcrX> No amount of Vodka can make me unsee that s[BLEEP]t
[21:03] *** Sun Apr 04 2010 - LOGGING STOP ***

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