Suburban Senshi Chat #1634 - “No one ever expects the Spanish Invasion! ”

“No one ever expects the Spanish Invasion! ”

Suburban Senshi IRC Chat

[15:00] <@Dr. Xadium> Finally, after months of waiting, Warriors of Legend en Español is a confirmed fact
[15:01] <Reverend_H> Yo quiero Taco Bell
[15:01] <@Dr. Xadium> We've got a picture of an honest-to-god Spanish edition now
[15:02] <Reverend_H> Yo quiero Taco Bell

[15:03] <@Dr. Xadium> It can be purchased through Ellago Ediciones, and a sample PDF chapter is here.
[15:03] <Reverend_H> Donde esta el Lavatorio
[15:04] <@Dr. Xadium> Elios what the hell is your problem
[15:04] <FireFly_9> What *isn't* his problem
[15:04] <Reverend_H> Getting it up, yo
[15:05] <@Dr. Xadium> Oh NOW he speaks English

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