Suburban Senshi Chat #1670 - “Debut: Suburban Senshi After Dark - It's Dolemite, Charlie Brown (NSFW!!!)”

“Debut: Suburban Senshi After Dark - It's Dolemite, Charlie Brown (NSFW!!!)”

Suburban Senshi After Dark, with your host, Wolfwood

[15:26] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Okay so one thing we're going to start to do here at Suburban Senshi is to open the doors to user content and columns.
[15:27] <[gTV]Red_Crow> Some of it's Sailor Moon related, some isn't.
[15:28] <[gTV]Red_Crow> This column we're debuting here isn't. This is going to be our complete NSFW, We-are-not-held-liable, 18+ zone.
[15:28] <[gTV]Red_Crow> So, if you're easily offended, or not of age, stop reading this one NOW.
[15:28] <[gTV]Red_Crow> You have been warned.
[15:28] * [gTV]Red_Crow is away: and with that, I turn it over to the n00b. That is all

Hi, my name is Wolf and I'm an Alch...oh wrong page.

So yea, i'm the guy Ginga hired to air all the stuff they won't PUBLICLY touch.

I promise to bring you the most raunchy, vulgar, offensive stuff I can find. Why? Because I can.

Also because this pays better then my last job. Also because they can't air this stuff before the weekend because the kiddies might be watching. God forbid.

Right. So this one comes to us from most offensive video dot com, and its a re-dubbing of childhood favorite Charlie Brown in ghettopeoplespeak. Do not watch with the kids in the room.

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Suburban Senshi: Twice as fun as Azumanga Daioh.