Hino Rei
TinEye image matching search is awesome ago via BlackBerryCommentLike
Furuhata Motoki no its not ago
Hino Rei Why not? ago
Furuhata Motoki A long time ago furmaster Lemmiwinks who was my closest friend in the whole world told me he had a cute rabbit he was taking care of, and I loved him for his kindness ago
Karasuma Akane What the hell does that have to do with anything ago
Furuhata Motoki well it was kind of odd that he never showed me a picture of his rabbit and i wanted to see it, you know, because i loved animals too ago
Jay Daito Oh, we know how much you "love" them, Furuhata ago
Kino Makoto Tell me about it :P ago
Karasuma Akane Again, what does this have to do with anything ago
Furuhata Motoki Well I literally bugged him for MONTHS just to see a pic, it was damn suspicious that he didn't have one of this pet he loved so much ago
Tsukino Princess Usagi ror mabey hi dadn't went u fipping ov 2 a packtur ov his ferrat ago
Jay Daito LMAO ago
Furuhata Motoki RABBIT, and anyway he sent me one one day, finally-- and it was so CUTE ago
Hino Rei What does this have to do with TinEye again? ago
Furuhata Motoki Well anyway I was trying to make him a birthday present one time and knowing how much he loved that rabbit i went to Google Images to find a picture of a rabbit to use, that was when i found loads of pictures of "his" rabbit all over the net ago
Hino Rei ... ago
Furuhata Motoki and one of them was from like a guy's flickr who actually raised the thing, so it wasn't his rabbit at all ago
Jay Daito The rabbit you see, is not the true rabbit? ago
Karasuma Akane Maybe he just gave you any old picture to shut you up about asking ago
Furuhata Motoki for "a laugh" i just put that picture in tineye and got so many hits :< ago
Furuhata Motoki It really was a lie. to this day i don't know if that rabbit really existed T_T ago
Tsukino Princess Usagi dats hirsh ago
Kino Makoto That sucks, Mo. :( ago
Reverend H. Elios The question is, yo-- that fake rabbit... would you hit it ago
Kino Makoto ¬_¬ ago
Furuhata Motoki i would tap that lepus ago