Suburban Senshi Chat #1862 - “Iris, your digital demagogue who's not so fun to be with”
#1862 “Iris, your digital demagogue who's not so fun to be with”

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Aya Reiko
I'll always love my Siri because unlike Android's IRIS, she's not a bigot. ago via iPhoneCommentLike


Ten'ou Haruka .Wow what the F[BLEEP]K... ago

Mizuno Ami You're only as good as the database driving your API ago

Tomoe Hotaru Well any database that says the justification of rape is "a matter of opinion" needs some serious debugging ago

Ten'ou Haruka debugging my foot up their ass ago

Jay Daito Careful, Iris might enjoy that ago


Suburban Senshi: No, seriously, drug free.