Suburban Senshi Chat #2035 - “Competition”
#2035 “Competition”
|  | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 |  | |
okay DIS IZ PRONCASS BIZNISS farst ting we gat 2 dew is gat rad of dis "guardien" krap. ur SAILER SENSHI wich meens Soldar. UR Sailer SOLDARS
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| 10:52 AM - 9 Dec 2014 |
| | | Ami Mizuno @brainiac6 · Dec 9
The way you type it, it sounds like "Sailor Solder", which sounds like a hobbyist material made out of human flesh.
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| | | Makoto Kino @flower_powerJP · Dec 9
...where did THAT come from, Ami-chan?
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
ror shi cray-cray im mai wurld shi makes killar robutts an sit
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| | | Makoto Kino @flower_powerJP · Dec 9
Ami-chan's not the kind of person who would make a killer robot!
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| | | Ami Mizuno @brainiac6 · Dec 9
Of course not. Society has never marginalized me in any fashion, or left me bitter with resentment at the scorn of my fellows.
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| | | Minako Aino @Idolmaster-chan · Dec 9
But it has...
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
...We know, Minako-chan.
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
Also, we should be "Sailor Guardians", we guard the Princess.
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
wich iz me an im sayang 2 b kallang ursalves soldars bcuz itz koolar n u fite 4 mi
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
We don't fight for _you_, we fight for Usagi-san!
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
And now that Beryl is dead we don't have to fight anymore!
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
...ror is dat wat u tank
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
What do you mean "is that what you think" and oh kami-sama I'm starting to understand her, what is this evil.
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
mror sit iz cuming bat dewnt wori az ur proncass i wall prapar u
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| | | Ami Mizuno @brainiac6 · Dec 9
...Isn't using future knowledge a great danger to the timeline?
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| | | Minako Aino @Idolmaster-chan · Dec 9
i think the fact that she's already here means that bridge has been crushed
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| | | Artemis Catt @ol_greeneyes · Dec 9
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| | | Minako Aino @Idolmaster-chan · Dec 9
That too stop correcting me :P
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
ror u ppl i wall halp u
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
We don't want your help. and we don't need your help. I think this is all nonsense.
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| | | Usagi Tsukino @rabbitofthemoon · Dec 9
yeah don't listen to her she's not the moon princess i'm the moon princess and you should do what i say
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
ror u suk u kant evan uze ur ginzushoe right
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| | | Usagi Tsukino @rabbitofthemoon · Dec 9
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
u kant evan SPAL IT RITE
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| | | Makoto Kino @flower_powerJP · Dec 9
..neither can you?
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
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| | | Jed Ito @darktalentagency2k15 · Dec 9
What is this fresh hell. Why am I here, what is this "twitter", why are you Sailor Guardians here and who is this Pink-haired freak of nature whose head greatly resembles an exploded turnip.
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
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| | | Mamoru Chiba @bestlydressedgentleman · Dec 9
Wait you were a stone in my pocket what
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| | | Jed Ito @darktalentagency2k15 · Dec 9
While it is humiliating that I, the great Jadeite, was taught a lesson in pain by that midget a few short moments ago, it is indeed fortunate that I was liberated from the smelly scrotal-scented sack that was your pants pocket, you simpering, overdressed man.
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
geydite lissen. lissen im frum da futar ov anodar wurld an im da moan proncass an i revived u 2 halp dese b[BLEEP]ches
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| | | Jed Ito @darktalentagency2k15 · Dec 9
You *must* be kidding. Why would I help them. Although... I'd like to help myself to some of that delicious miko over there...
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| | | Rei Hino @azabuhikawajinja · Dec 9
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
ror ull halp dem becuz ur liyfe is faking borang
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| | | Jed Ito @darktalentagency2k15 · Dec 9
My life is NOT boring, you defective mutant of a human. The Dark Kingdom shall rise again! I shall RULE THIS EARTH!
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| | | 'Chibi' Tsukino Usagi @SugaBB_2999 · Dec 9
u kant im alradi hear
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| | | Makoto Kino @flower_powerJP · Dec 9
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| | | Usagi Tsukino @rabbitofthemoon · Dec 9
wheres mamo-chan i feel cold
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