Suburban Senshi Entry #2084 - “Reboot 4 - Typo Demons... revealed!”
#2084 “Reboot 4 - Typo Demons... revealed!”
Agent McFUNderson01/22/2017
Whaicking bugs~ Whacking bugs~ Whacking bugg ♫
// J_Daito //01/22/2017
The only bug you can't seem to whack, you overly cheerful lawn-gnome of an Expellian midget, are the typos you're making.
Agent McFUNderson01/22/2017
I blame the typo-demons!
What do typo demons look like, anyway?
Agent McFUNderson01/22/2017
You've never seen one?
Agent McFUNderson01/22/2017
Hang on let me get one for ya~
Agent McFUNderson01/22/2017
goes off and impales one with crescent claw
Agent McFUNderson01/22/2017
Here, look!

...It's like a goth Noid
Agent McFUNderson01/22/2017
Yeah they're pretty weird.
They feast on good spelling, creating Typographical errors that then fuel Grammar Nazis. It's a complex ecosystem.
Who knew the Internet was so complex~?

Suburban Senshi: Where Rehab is a four-letter word