Suburban Senshi Entry #2099 - “Thank you for 13 years of #suburbansenshi2 Chatbox!”
#2099 “Thank you for 13 years of #suburbansenshi2 Chatbox!”
The Flame Lotus 07/01/2017
Yesterday #suburbansenshi2 became 13 years old.
SpeedRcr_X 07/01/2017
I can't believe that place is 13 years old, it's entering its crazy teenage years
Agent McFUNderson 07/01/2017
Wow that's an eternity in internet time!
FireFly_9 07/01/2017
And to think it all came about because we needed a way to keep in touch while traveling.
Mizunomics01 07/01/2017
Well, the whole point of IRC is to be globally connected.
Agent McFUNderson 07/01/2017
Yeah but you guys tick me off, you don't hang out with us in there anymore :<
SpeedRcr_X 07/01/2017
We're just busy <_<
// J_Daito // 07/01/2017
and by 'busy' she means 'lazy'
CherryBlossomStorm 07/01/2017
Well technically that place is a slightly aternate timeline of this one so things would get complicated <_<
SpeedRcr_X 07/01/2017
Things? with us? Complicated
SpeedRcr_X 07/01/2017
Things? With us? Complicated? No.
Agent McFUNderson 07/01/2017
Well I just wanna express my appreciation for everyone who does take the time to hang out with us there, it's really fun having you all around!!
The Flame Lotus 07/01/2017
Thank you all for thirteen amazing years
The Flame Lotus 07/01/2017
SpeedRcr_X 07/01/2017
Yeah well, the site *I* had that you all hijacked will be 15 this year and I wan tto do something to mark it
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 07/01/2017
jast dewnt merk tit lik atrimas merks hiz tarritori
=/\catablanca/\= 07/01/2017
C'est_La_V 07/01/2017
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/01/2017
I would make a Superior Pet I never leave waste anywhere, just make a contract with me and I can be yours
FireFly_9 07/01/2017
You leave the broken waste of wrecked human lives, you foul, pestilent creature
FireFly_9 07/01/2017
summons the silence glaive
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/01/2017
Masta Pimp KyuBAE is AFK: ( just call 1-800-4-BAEBAE and I can make your deepest wish come true )

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