Suburban Senshi Entry #2113 - “#ThrowbackThursday - Setsuna Sells her Soul, Sexily”
#2113 “#ThrowbackThursday - Setsuna Sells her Soul, Sexily”
setsy_meioh 09/14/2017
For today's #ThrowbackThursday, we go back to November 13th, 2006 , just after Minako got control of Ginga TV by wishing on the Dragonballs, Haruka had "issues" with Windows Media Player, and DRagonball Z got its first faux-widescreen release.
Reverend_H 09/14/2017
Yo I note you're totally leaving out the best parts, yo~
setsy_meioh 09/14/2017
I don't know what you're talking about.
Reverend_H 09/14/2017
goes to his c:fapfap folder
Reverend_H 09/14/2017

Reverend_H 09/14/2017
Back when you were puttin' yourself out on eBay, yo~
Reverend_H 09/14/2017
A steal of a deal at thirty bucks, yo~
Mizunomics01 09/14/2017
I believe she would be worth 36.80 in today's money.
Capt. Jack Harkness 09/14/2017
Now now, you can't reduce a woman to a mere dollar value, she's priceless in my book~
setsy_meioh 09/14/2017
Why Th-thank you J-jack~
Reverend_H 09/14/2017
Yo it's not like she has a crush on you b-b-baka~
setsy_meioh 09/14/2017
Capt. Jack Harkness 09/14/2017
setsy_meioh 09/14/2017
I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT unless you wanted me to mean it like that, jack-sama~
Capt. Jack Harkness 09/14/2017
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 09/14/2017
o snap poop iz in lav
setsy_meioh 09/14/2017
You don't know how hard my life has been these past years!
Reverend_H 09/14/2017
Lookin at that pic, yo, you don't know how hard a lot of stuff is rite now, yo~
EmaSkye_LAPD 09/14/2017
The Flame Lotus 09/14/2017
this flashback is over

Suburban Senshi: 'It's funny because it's not me.'