Suburban Senshi Entry #2125 - “Samurai Backlash”
#2125 “Samurai Backlash”
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
is just wakin' up
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
LOL aren't you a morning person
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Ah stayed up last night watchin' 13 Assassins with Paisley n' X. Th' Extended version~

SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
So the Miike version?
Dr_Xadium 05/06/2018
Wait that was Miike? Ichi the Killer Miike?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Yeah not everything he does is gorefest torture pr0n
Dr_Xadium 05/06/2018
Well there are some scenes that in retrospect fit his style...
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
The carnage at the end was unremitting though, what was it, 45 minutes or so?
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Well it was a 13-on-200 battle, it wasn't gonna be short or easy...
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
These weren't supermen, they was Samurai usin' their wits n' their blades...
Dr_Xadium 05/06/2018
Don't start daydreaming~
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Hush :P
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
Hahaha don't be like Naritsugu, who was trained in a time of peace and got so enamoured with the notion of the "beauty" of war that he wanted to bring it back.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
No chance'a that :P
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
One thing I noticed which I found odd. The samurai seeded the town with tons of swords and would switch between them rapidly as the conflict wore on. I thought there was some sacred bond between sword wielder and their weapon?
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
There is an' there ain't.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
In a battle, y'gotta be flexiible in such things... Miyamoto Musashi wrote in The Book of the Five Rings: "You should not have a favorite weapon. To become over-familiar with one weapon is as much a fault as not knowing it sufficiently well. You should not copy others, but use weapons which you can handle properly. It is bad for commanders and troopers to have likes and dislikes."
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
It's as much about choice of personal weapon as which 'un y'use, but y'cain't afford to get stuck on just one.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Fer instance, when Ah had t' fight mah way t' New York Ah didn't just use th' sword mah master gave me, "Red Sun", but also a whole mess of other blades.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I only need my Space Sword Blaster. It;s f[BLEEP]king awesome. It can go from being a cutlass to a rapier and it can shoot energy.
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
Why is it called "Space Sword"? Does it come from Space?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I don't... I don't actually know. I always thought it was some Silver Millennium thing. I don't have all my memories of that time. I know it's also one of the three Treasures of Amaterasu.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
...One of th' Japanese Imperial treasures? No way~
CherryBlossomStorm 05/06/2018
Yeah. Because Cressida and I have "the blood of destroyers of evil" in us, we can wield them too, but it could kill us if we aren't careful.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I have the sword, Michi the Mirror and Sets the orb.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Hey, Setsuna knows all the secrets, maybe she can explain why it's called the "Space Sword."
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
texts Setsuna
setsy_meioh 05/06/2018
Look I don't just give out answers.
setsy_meioh 05/06/2018
It is my duty to only give you just enough information to get into situations.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Is that because you're being an ass or are those your actual orders.
setsy_meioh 05/06/2018
...Actual orders, but I won't deny that given what asses you both are it's also my pleasure.
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
Ooh burn
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
So, circling back for a bit, 13 Assassins, does it have a basis in fact?
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Well, th' end of the Samurai era in Japan... Ah guess.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
No there's more to it.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
It's loosely based on a bunch of ronin who took out Ii Naosuke in 1860.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Check it out but of course the details are different.
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
...Haruka contributed actual knowledge?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
F[BLEEP]k off, just because I have a freewheeling lifestyle of awesome badassery doesn't mean I'm not f[BLEEP]king educated :P
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
Jesus. " a lone assassin fired one shot into the palanquin containing Ii, with a Japanese-made Colt 1851 Navy Revolver, which had been copied from the firearms that Commodore Matthew Perry had given the shogunate as gifts." An irony considering Ii's stance on opening Japan.
// J_Daito // 05/06/2018
Their actions were pointless as well. " Therefore, we have consecrated ourselves to be the instruments of Heaven to punish this wicked man, and we have taken on ourselves the duty of ending a serious evil, by killing this atrocious autocrat."
// J_Daito // 05/06/2018
Killing one man can't stop a system. Systems are like avalanches set forth by pebbles. Unless you snipe him before he starts the avalanche, you have to deal with a whole mountain of s[BLEEP]t coming at you.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Th' dang article contricts you, Jed. "According to Sir Ernest Satow: "A bloody revenge was taken on the individual [Ii], but the hostility to the system only increased with time, and in the end brought about its complete ruin."
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
"The conflict reached its resolution with the military defeat of the Shogunate in the Boshin War, and the installation of the Meiji Restoration in 1868."
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Ah reckon it's like lightin' a powderkeg. Dealin' with one evil man may not stop thing then n' there, but it lights th' fuse.
// J_Daito // 05/06/2018
I'll give you that, but the problem is too many people stop their thinking at "if we kill X, the issue will be resolved" when there's a lot more to factor for,
Dr_Xadium 05/06/2018
...No killing me :P
// J_Daito // 05/06/2018
The jury's out on that :P
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Go fix our website :P
Dr_Xadium 05/06/2018
Dr_Xadium is AFK: ( grumble grumble)
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Dang it why's you send him away Ah wanted t' arrange another movie night. 13 Assassins was great!
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
We used to do reviews of awesome hong kong action movies here when I first started our blog
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I kind of want to do that again.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Ah wanna do more Japanese cinema~
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Broaden your horizons weeb lol
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
- Ah ain't a weeaboo. -
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Ah love Japanese culture because Ah was raised an' trained by a Japanese Samurai.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I guess living in Japan my whole life to me it's sort of not as exotic
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
The old HK cinema forums I used to discover new films are gone now, though :<
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
Bah, you forget. Reddit's r/AsianFilms is a thing now.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Thank you based reddit
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
OH MAN THANKS PAISE first thing I learn is a NEW Tony Jaa movie exists!
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Triple Threat
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
The one thing is it's not a curated list of films which kinda sucks
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Ah found a list you can try
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
LOL first thing is says at the top "Dat Real Weab S[BLEEP]t"
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
...Ah really despise th' label Weaboo. It shouldn't be wrong t'have n' express a passion fer th' things you love!
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Well I guess it comes down to how you express it. It's like putting on kimono and geta and then runing around going "I AM JAPANESE"
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
No no you need to do it right, using romaji. "Atashi wa the real nihonjin desu"
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Oh god don't give me a headache please. I'm actually amazed that in our many many years here we have not actually had someone here who spoke like that.
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 05/06/2018
"When I walked onto Tokyo street =____=I looked up and saw…SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII SASUKE-SAMA!!!!!” I yelled n____n then he turned chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am *___*"
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
That's not even close to the worst I've seen, I have no idea why I can't find good examples right now.
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
Oh here's one:
Rule34Rocks 05/06/2018
"kyaaaa~!! se-senpai-chan!! *o* w-watashi wa baked you cookies!! uwu t-to…show how much i love you!! with all my kokoro, you make me go doki doki in my heart and in my–"
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Oh god just kill me now
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Hmm Breaking News looks good.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I'll see if I can get my hands on it and we'll have a good old-fashioned suburban senshi movie night.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SPEAKING OF TRADITIONS: I forgot that there's a WWE Backlash PPV tonight!
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
Are you going to try to predict the winners?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Seth Rollins (c) vs. The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship - I say Seth holds it for a while longer, though I want Miz to win (which I never thought I would say )
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe - Reigns because Vince wants it so.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Randy Orton for the United States Championship - Jeff Hardy unless they decide to break him.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Nia Jax (c) vs. Alexa Bliss for the "RAW" Women's Championship - Nia, we need to have her hold it for a while, Alexa doesn't need the rub
Reverend_H 05/06/2018
She can have my rub, yo
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I know what you mean
Mdm_Maestro 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
And that is horrible and sexist and never says that again Elios. SHAME. Shame.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Carmella (c) vs. Charlotte Flair for the "SmackDown" Women's Championship - Charlotte because I can't see booking be clever enough to let Carmella hold it for a hile longer.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Daniel Bryan vs. Big Cass - Bryan because sorry Cass, you're gonna do this job. Bryan is too hype right now.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
AJ Styles (c) vs. Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Championship I WANT Nakamura to win but I think he is better served chasing the belt as a psycho heel for now.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn - Owens and Zayn by a cheat after getting brutalized by Strowman.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
And it looks like the pre-show is Bayley vs. Ruby Riott... I'd say Ruby because Bailey will toughen up to win BUT Sasha will f[BLEEP]k it up somehow.
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
Well we'll see. At least I'm not wagering a kiss with Jerry Lawler this time <_<
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Maybe not but the internet never forgets:

FireFly_9 05/06/2018

Suburban Senshi: I mourn for Humanity.