Suburban Senshi Entry #2126 - “WWE Backlash 2018 results - Nutshots for all”
#2126 “WWE Backlash 2018 results - Nutshots for all”
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Oh man it's almost time for the Backlash preshow
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Rasslin' time?
Perfect1 05/06/2018
I cannot believe you foolish fools would be so deeply invested in what is obviously a pre-prepared exhibition.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Look, I look at it this way-- the way it is. Yes, it's a fixed outcome. But so is Hamlet. The thrill here is regardless of the fact that the performers are working together, they are still doing incredible physical feats that take a toll on their bodies to tell a story.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
A story of victory or defeat. Of betrayal. Of shifting alliances. That kind of thing.
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/06/2018
...A soap opera for men (and women) :P
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
It's so much more!
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/06/2018
And your dolls are "action figures", right Haruka?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Well, when ah was a youngin, there was carnivals where wrasslin' was a thing, and they were legitimately fightin'. You could pay money t' take yer chances with a fighter in th' ring and y'_could_ get yer bell rung... or worse.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Well Pro Wrestling comes from the same carnival roots. It's just dressed up better and safer.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
really disagreed with McMahon's plan to break kayfabe
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
The term referring to keeping the fact it's a "show" secret.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
But now they can do things like get us invested in the wrestlers as people and all the backstage stuff, and it doesn't take away from the enjoyment.
Dr_Xadium 05/06/2018
Well with things like the internet this would have happened anyway
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Oh it's starting
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
I've got your predictions up, we'll see how well you do.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Also uhh... check it out YOU ARE ALREADY CLEAN
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
So... your predictions - Ruby Riott won but not because of Sasha Banks.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Are we countin' that?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
We should because the victory is what counts.
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/06/2018
But calling a reason Why is like betting on a spread in football, isn't it?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Don't get technical Ema
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/06/2018
I'm a Forensic Detective of course I'm gonna be technical :P
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Damn Mix v. Rollins is INSANE right now.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Huets me just watchin'!
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Hah, Miz won, I'm 2 for 2~
Perfect1 05/06/2018
That is debatable.
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
Oh let her have it, she'll never stop complaining.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
HAH 3-3 Nia won like I thought, but it wasn't a squash match which was great.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
LOL Randy Orton
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
All I ever see when I think of him now was the night when he burned down the Wyatt Compound and took the time to pose in front of the destruction
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018

// J_Daito // 05/06/2018
Oh come on if you just did something epic, you would too.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
JEFF HARDY Won - 4-4
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
You're on a roll, I have to admit.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Ah didn't see Elias on th' card, who's he up against
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I dunno
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Oh s[BLEEP]t NEW DAY, what is going to happen
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Ah don't know whut's happenin' but ah LOVE IT
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
hahah that bit where Aiden tried t' party with them~
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
That was a good rest fer th' crowd an' just plain FUN
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
That's why I love wrestling. ANYTHING can happen.
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
And I'm 5-5... Bryan won~
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
This is your best showing so far, Haruka-poppa.
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
hahaah "BIG Cass came up SHORT against Daniel Bryan~"
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
LOL Match-appropriate pun
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
This is the one match I'm not confident on, Carmella / Charlotte... because cheating might a thing here...
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
Last chance to change your bet~
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
They's in New Jersey too, that's close t' Carmella's hometown~
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Dammit... Dammit...
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Okay I'll switch to Carmella!
FireFly_9 05/06/2018
Is that your final answer?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Yes, damn it ><
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
damnit you better win Carmella
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I feel like Asuka defending her streak here
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
EmaSkye_LAPD 05/06/2018
LOL if we hadn't asked you if you were going to change your pick~
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
I didn't realize Backlash was in her backyard till you guys said-- that changes the equation
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Well now it's Shinsuke Nakamura versus A.J. Styles' family jewels~
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
It ain't a lie!
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018

SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Well I did say Styles would "win" so
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
He retained so~
Perfect1 05/06/2018
AGAIN this is debatable!
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
UGH my first loss of the night
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Lashley and Storwman won with no trouble
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
If Samoa Joe is th' "Big Man" and Roman is th' "Big Dog" could this be a "Man Bites Dog" match if Joe gits angry enough?
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
Surprise Surprise... Roman won *yawn*
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
So 8 out of 9. That's what I get for betting against Strowman
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
But still my best record ever
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
and now I drop
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Me too, that was some great wrasslin'~
Dr_Xadium 05/06/2018
Dr_Xadium is AFK: ( ugh Roman's win messed up a great night of wrestling)
Texas Samurai 05/06/2018
Texas Samurai is AFK: ( Ah bet Ah can show you some better rasslin' tonight~ )
SpeedRcr_X 05/06/2018
SpeedRcr_X is AFK: ( lol little does she realize Roman winning is a perfect mood killer)

Suburban Senshi asks: How much gravey do Serena does she make?