Suburban Senshi Entry #2150 - “[Grimdark Arc] What are those Moustaches!? Pimp Master Kyu-bae's Scuzzy Senshi take Center Stage!!”
#2150 “[Grimdark Arc] What are those Moustaches!? Pimp Master Kyu-bae's Scuzzy Senshi take Center Stage!!”
Perfect1 06/28/2018
I've lost my patience with the foolishness, but the solution would be to pack the court.
Texas Samurai 06/28/2018
That caused a big kerfluffle when FDR tried it~
// J_Daito // 06/28/2018
No, you know what's a big kerfluffle? This bit of found footage from Ginga:

C'est_La_V 06/28/2018
Look you try fighting a Kaiju for half day!! you get hungry!!
SpeedRcr_X 06/28/2018
You know what makes me hungry
SpeedRcr_X 06/28/2018

C'est_La_V 06/28/2018
Mdm_Maestro 06/28/2018
SpeedRcr_X 06/28/2018
...hungry for water because that environment looks so hot.
// J_Daito // 06/28/2018
right. the environment
=/\catablanca/\= 06/28/2018
C'est_La_V 06/28/2018
... it was a costume party I just found one and glued a cardboard bald spot to his head!
Flame_Sniper 06/28/2018
Is the cat feeling you up?
C'est_La_V 06/28/2018
It may have been a little grabby...
SpeedRcr_X 06/28/2018
Lucky cat
Mdm_Maestro 06/28/2018
SpeedRcr_X 06/28/2018 get to go to such an awesome PARTY
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018
Do N0t let hER paPer ThIN LIEs dECieve You
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018
GivE in To Depair AnD leT youRself beCome GrimDaRK
SpeedRcr_X 06/28/2018
Yeah well your magical girl team is just stuck doing ripoffs of the OG senshi right now
SpeedRcr_X 06/28/2018

Mizunomics01 06/28/2018
Oh.. is this plot thread actually going to go somewhere?
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018
ThIS isnT a BuLLshiT thREE LigHTs siTuation AllRight
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018
I am TOTallY SeriOUS
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018
My GIRLs will CreaTE DeSpaiR!!
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018

C'est_La_V 06/28/2018
.'~SugaBB_2999~'. 06/28/2018
wat da fack ore raputashuns!111
// J_Daito // 06/28/2018
You only really have nowhere to go but up, runt.
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018
noW do u SeE the BatTLE has Begun!1
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 06/28/2018
IrnChef_Jovian 06/28/2018
Damn right this is just beginning!

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