Suburban Senshi Entry #2152 - “[GrimDark Arc] Sayaka vs Ami”
#2152 “[GrimDark Arc] Sayaka vs Ami”
Crwn_Frt_Gmer 07/07/2018
Look I got almost the whole tusk out!
IrnChef_Jovian 07/07/2018
Until you do, it's going to STAY the couch for you!
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/07/2018
cEaSe ThiS DoMEstiC QuaRREl
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/07/2018
Do YoU nOT kNOw youR liVEs are OvEr?
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/07/2018
WaTcCH noW as My MaGIcAL GRiMdaRK GiRL sAYaKa dEfeAts YoUR WeaKaSS SaiLOr MerCUry
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/07/2018

Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/07/2018
SpeedRcr_X 07/07/2018
LOL you were saying
Masta Pimp KyuBAE 07/07/2018
wHAt ThE f[BLEEP]k GuNdAMs wErE nOT iN hEr lIstEd PoWerSET
// J_Daito // 07/07/2018
You'll find that the senshi aren't the same sterotpyical Magical girls you remember from days gone by

Suburban Senshi: We need Jokes. LOTS of Jokes.