Suburban Senshi Entry #2163 - “SIGNAL BOOST: Let's Help LittleKuriboh!!”
#2163 “SIGNAL BOOST: Let's Help LittleKuriboh!!”
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
If I can be serious for a moment
FireFly_9 04/03/2019
Haruka-poppa the only time you've ever seen serious is when you were trying to kill me.
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
Let it go already oh my god
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
Anyway listen
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
I need to talk about something serious
Reverend_H 04/03/2019
Yo you mean this right

SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
What no
Reverend_H 04/03/2019
Yo Dude I think that's pretty serious yo.
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
NO we can talk about the 'roid Senshi later :P
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
I want to talk about LittleKuriboh, the guy who's single-handedly responsible for starting the "Abridged" series craze and has done a ton of cool work with Team FourStar and even descriptive Audio for the Star Wars films
Reverend_H 04/03/2019
He's even a wrestling fan which is pretty dope, yo. Whassup about him?
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
Youtube being youtube decided "oh hey let's completely demonetize his channel that he depends on for funds to live."
RedCrow 04/03/2019
Oh, Youtube. Stay classy.
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
Yeah. So he's been running a call for donations on his Twitch Stream (link: where people who want to help out can donate to help cover the funds he lost because Youtube decided to be collosal a[BLEEP]les as per usual
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
He even started doing Wrestling watch-along streams where you can chat about wrestling with him during RAW and Smackdown.
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
So I am using my Bully Pulpit
FireFly_9 04/03/2019
...emphasis on "Bully"
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
I am trying to signal boost so anyone who's enjoyed his work and wants to help out a bit can be informed about what's going on and hopefully can drop by his stream and pitch in a little.
Mdm_Maestro 04/03/2019
That is a nice thing you are doing dear :)
The Flame Lotus 04/03/2019
unfortunately it is far too little to balance your karma haruka-chan
SpeedRcr_X 04/03/2019
<_< damn it

Suburban Senshi: Where DBZ is still high art