Suburban Senshi Entry #2276 - “[Nobody November] Behold! That fire in your soul!!”
#2276 “[Nobody November] Behold! That fire in your soul!!”
 | Excerpt Start - 06:46 AM 11/14/22
#suburbansenshisquad |
In my nightmares I would see a cute Pegasus. That's how I knew the world had to be ending.
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 | Reverend_H
You that was me, yo, I was in every little kid's dream, yo.
// J_Daito //
Yes. Chris Hansen still wants to know your location.
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// J_Daito //
I can proudly say I have never had any nightmares. In fact, I am the nightmare.
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 | Mdm_Maestro
Is that so, dear~
// J_Daito //
Yes. Any rumors about me having an ice-phobia are lies.
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 | SpeedRcr_X
Oh I know he doesn't have nightmares about ice.
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 | // J_Daito //
Oh, then what then
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 | // J_Daito //
 | // J_Daito //
If I didn't before I will now.
Those eyes sear into my soul
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 | Reverend_H
Yo can we like burn her painting tools please yo
 | Excerpt End - 06:53 AM 11/14/22 |