Suburban Senshi Entry #2397 - “12 Days of Temu! Attack your Boredom!!”
#2397 “12 Days of Temu! Attack your Boredom!!”
*** welcome to #suburbansenshi-backrooms
Log excerpt starts - 23 June 2024 9:59PM
Welcome back to the 2024 edition of "Twelve Days of Temu!", where we selected 12 random words from a word generator and searched for them in Temu, finding the craziest stuff we could that matched.
Sometimes we get a hit, sometimes a miss.
For day ten, our word was ATTACK
Vermellia X. Rosso
This thing has been attacking my brain so I'm glad we're almost at the end of the road
This is what we got

Vermellia X. Rosso
What even is happening here?
Is a midget attacking a ping-pong paddle? What's the product?
I think it's a paddle you're supposed to punch
While someone holds it? That's going to be such a weak target to whale on!
Also where's that guy's head?
@[ DR. XADiUM ]
Isn't it blended in the b-- oh s[BLEEP]t it's gone
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte
So's the bottom of his body.
Vermellia X. Rosso
So it's like a floating ghost boxer that can attack people but he's smol
smol ghost boxer only from Temu
Log excerpt ends - 23 June 2024 10:15PM

Suburban Senshi: Where the Men are Old, the Women are Young, and the Children Make Everyone A Little Wary.