Suburban Senshi Entry #2427 - “S[BLEEP]t the Endless - Ruminations on Fallen Artists vs their Art”
#2427 “S[BLEEP]t the Endless - Ruminations on Fallen Artists vs their Art”
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Log excerpt starts - 30 July 2024 11:46AM
* FireFly_9 is upset about Neil Gaiman *
@[ DR. XADiUM ]
Ugh, that really sucks, he had been such a good supporter or so many causes and there was such humanity in his work.
Yes but now it's all irrevocably tainted. Because he had to be a creep.
I was working through the Sandman collection. Now I have no reason to continue. I'd just feel dirty continuing.
It's the eternal "art vs artist" struggle.
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte
Well if it help you, Hotaru, I've been struggling with this myself.
I had to deal with this with Rowling.
As I said elsewhere, themes in literature are universal. The value you got from a problematic author's work can be found and enjoyed elsewhere.
Their work may have changed the trajectory of your life or rescued you from a dark place. But if the author's acts now taint it for you, there's no need to suffer the cognitive dissonance of supporting their abhorrent acts by continuing to support their work. Seek out its alternatives elsewhere, or if you want, channel that grief by creating works of your own to share.
I can only think of the superfans who've tied huge chunks of their identity or their lives to that work, though.
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte
For them I'd say... abstract it out. Take what's good and pure about what you enjoyed and keep those lessons, but divorce them from the source.
Easier said than done though?
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte
Sadly, this too is a life lesson the author's bringing you.
You know I'm over 40. I could do with life teaching me LESS lessons now?
@Paisley Pythia Peinforte
Isn't there a metaphysical school of thought that the purpose of life is lessons and when those run out you die?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Log excerpt ends - 02 August 2024 7:50AM

Suburban Senshi: Wake up, Moonie. The SubSen has you