Suburban Senshi: we have start friendship now
#267: “The Son of In defense of Dragonball Z ”

*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
*** Topic is '-= Some people just don't get it =-'
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yo somebody just sent me an email complaining about how our super-ancient MiST of this whackass DBZ review was "so lame" because we dared to pick on someone who didn't think DBZ wasn't the greatest show in the world.
<// J_Daito //> Funny, I thought we MiSTed it because it was just *wrong*
<// J_Daito //> You know, with the, like, *facts* and stuff.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> That's YOUR department, Mr. Coffee man!
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Since we're all about being "fair and balanced" here, I say we give it a second shot.
<// J_Daito //> Whatever, Ten'ou. You must be really bored or something.
"Vegeta eventually marries Bulma and they have a love-child named Trunks who becomes a Super Saiyan at a very early age"

<FireFly_9> How is it a "love child" if they are married?
<// J_Daito //> I never saw a marriage ceremony... but yeah, how can you have it both ways?
There are also rumors that him and Goku are lovers, but these are just rumors of course!

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Vegita and Gokou: Lovers... of battle.
<FireFly_9> That's about right.
[Gohan] Later on he slacks off on his training and becomes a lot weaker, as does his character’s influence in the series

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> That is true...
<// J_Daito //> Except for that whole "I've got the Z sword, look at me kick the [BLEEP] out of Buu with one hand tied behind my back" Mystic Gohan phase.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Did you notice that when he first got ticked at Rou Kaioshin before fully achieving the powerup his eyes were green like a Super-Saiyajin's?
<// J_Daito //> I did not know that.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> it's true, it's true.
The unffocial “narrator” of DBZ, Krillin prefers the side-lines while ranting incoherent thoughts than using any sort of power in hand-to-hand combat.

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Except for the Kamehameha
<// J_Daito //> or Kienzan
<FireFly_9> Or even regular ki blasts
Piccolo once hatched from a bad egg (like a Tamagotchi, oh how I adored them) but then after this he split into two, Good Piccolo and Bad Piccolo.

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Piccolo's *dad* did the splitting. Piccolo Jr. was the son of Bad Piccolo, who spat out his egg
<// J_Daito //> Making him plain BadASS Piccolo.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Hell yeah.
Somewhere along the line they fused created Piccolo.

<FireFly_9> Somewhere... which I can't pinpoint because I'm not clear on trivial things like major plot points.
<// J_Daito //> And Piccolo Jr. Re-fused with "Good Piccolo", i.e. Kami, his half-father to *recreate* the original Piccolo.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> That's incest, isn't it?
<// J_Daito //> I think it's incest in reverse or something
As you can see, he enjoys switching from side-to-side, but in the end he joins the Z-Fighters.

<// J_Daito //> Umm... Piccolo switched *once* in the beginning when he joined with them to fight the Saiya-jin. Before that he was Goku's rival. After that he was *always* on the good guys' side.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I think the review just enjoys switching side-to-side, from "hard fact" to "Let me just make [BLEEP] up as I go along"
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Oh crap... he actually rewrote this?
<// J_Daito //> Huh?
I received a lot of criticism for my past review of Dragonball Z, which was clearly biased, so I went out of my way to rewrite the summary (though, I've kept the character descriptions intact because I thought they were mildly humurous).

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Dude, they kinda are
<// J_Daito //> But they're also kinda *wrong*, at least with Piccolo and Kryllin.
The sad part about this series is that Akira Toriyama wanted to end it after Cell, but the fan feedback was so great that he was forced to animate another horrible Saga, which is almost a facsimile of the prior saga.

<// J_Daito //> He wanted to end it after *Frieza*, which is why that fight was so damn long
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Buu is kinda interminable, but c'mon, Fusions rocked the house, and there was *nothing* like that in Cell Saga.
<// J_Daito //> Moreover, *Toriyama* did not "animate" anything. He was the *manga* artist, you know, the comic book?
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Dude he said he never read that
<// J_Daito //> No he cut that fact out of this rewrite of the review
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> So he must have read it
<FireFly_9> Yes, he would never omit a key defect in his credibility to make comments on the mythos as he does next.
The characters are all equally inane in their development. Most of them are one-dimensional,

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I'm not getting into this again.
<FireFly_9> Vegita, Piccolo and Gohan all have strong character arcs. Goku is purposefully one-dimensional.
and none of the adversaries have any real motivations other than getting the Dragonballs and becoming rulers of the Universe.

<// J_Daito //> How inappropriate for a series called "Dragonball Z"
<FireFly_9> Good vs. Evil is a universal thematic device.
This might make some people happy, but for the rest of the educated population, it makes for a very repetitive and often times boring series.

<// J_Daito //> I do believe this reviewer is casting aspersions on our levels of education because we enjoy DBZ.
<FireFly_9> Hmph. For someone who can't spell "Humorous" properly, that is a fairly amusing comment.
Even later in the series, when you'd think they'd put more attention to detail in the fight scenes, they say that the characters move so fast that you "can't see them fight," which is the unfortunate explanation for why the fights consist of flashing white lines.

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> But they... kinda *are* moving faster than the eye can see....
<// J_Daito //> Now to be fair the animators do cheat a lot... look how many times the speaking character has his face to the back of the camera so they could avoid showing their mouths move
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Leading to the amusing dub line where Piccolo (back to the camera of course) "says" that the people Nappa vaporized in a helicopter got out with parachutes.
<// J_Daito //>
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yes, the invisible parachutes.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> For invisible escapees.
It's sad that some people write huge articles on why this review was biased, but at least it gave me a chance to rewrite my review.

To all of the fans of Dragonball Z, perhaps you should try finding another series that is actually decent and worth watching

<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yo, punx0r, check the bar on the left... we've got TONS of anime cred... DBZ is like less than 1% of what we've seen and we STILL think it stacks up ok
<// J_Daito //> So it's no [BLEEP]ing Evangelion... tough. What it does, it does well.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> "The Greatest Action Cartoon Ever Made"
<// J_Daito //> Hell yeah.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Hey check out the comments:
Theres not much you can expect from this anime. The thing that attracts so many viewers are the constant fighting. Personally I feel this series is just nothing but a few fighters saving the world from some aliens.

<// J_Daito //> And your problem is...?
You won´t see much from this anime. Might as well just don´t watch it.

<// J_Daito //> Yeah, we won't see anything... except for "the constant fighting" and "fighters saving the world".
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> No man, we have to take his word for it. Literally.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Well, that's it... I noticed he omitted most of the fun stuff about not being real familiar with Dragonball or the legend it was based on
<// J_Daito //> Yeah, best not to let new readers know that up front. Lucky our old review still has the quotes to prove it.
<FireFly_9> Now, be fair, he has learned quite a bit... he revised the episode count down from "around 295" to 291.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yup, yup.
<// J_Daito //> Think he'll be pissed about this re-review of his re-review?
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Probably.
<// J_Daito //> Heh.
<FireFly_9> You realize, if the past is any predictor, he will probably strip *all* personal comments from the review next time around to avoid displaying his remaining errors, and thus will have little more than a stock regurgitation of DBZ series facts on his site.
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Hmm... "Stock Regurgitation"... somehow I think that phrase fit that review real well. It's a repeat, but pretty much well-digested.
<// J_Daito //> The "chyme" of DBZ reviews
<FireFly_9> Heh. But we're not educated enough to make such a reference, remember?
<// J_Daito //> we so st00p1d
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