Suburban Senshi: Something about Haruka, beer, and a crapload of ants.
#367: “The Shores of Hell”

[22:30] <// J_Daito //> look
[22:30] > You are in a pleasant green field dotted with daisies
[22:30] <// J_Daito //> unleash black fire
[22:30] > Your black fire SCORCHES the field!
[22:30] > The field is DEVASTATED!!
[22:31] <// J_Daito //> look
[22:31] > You are in a blackened, charred, hellish wasteland
[22:32] > a Cute, fuzzy rabbit is here.
[22:32] <// J_Daito //> crush rabbit
[22:32] > Your heavy jackboot CRUSHES the esophagus of a Cute, fuzzy rabbit!
[22:33] > the Cute, fuzzy rabbit is DEAD!
[22:33] > You receive 1 XP
[22:33] <// J_Daito //> eat rabbit
[22:34] > that's disgusting!!
[22:34] <// J_Daito //> EAT RABBIT
[22:34] > you feast on the rotting corpse of a Cute, fuzzy rabbit.
[22:34] > You recieve 1 HP
[22:35] <// J_Daito //> kill count
[22:35] > You have killed:
[22:35] > 1,653,065 Cute, Fuzzy Rabbits
[22:35] > 3.5+10E Land Slugs
[22:36] > A Sea-Fisherman
[22:36] > Mikyon, the Goddess of Laughter
[22:36] > Jeffrey the Jolly Court Jester
[22:36] > Baby Dodo
[22:36] > Tama-chan the Seal
[22:36] > Hamtaro
[22:36] > 17 Pikachu
[22:36] > Barney the Purple Dinosaur
[22:36] > Small Lady Princess Serenity Tsukino Usagi Chibi-Usa
[22:38] > A small nightingale
[22:38] > Cthulthu
[22:38] > Shippou-chan
[22:38] > The Little Kid who likes Gamera
[22:38] > Baby Gamera
[22:38] > A kitten
[22:38] > Lassie
[22:38] > Adric
[22:38] > Wesley Crusher
[22:38] > Yajirobe
[22:38] > A Karaoke Machine
[22:38] > A flock of Seagulls
[22:38] > Jar-Jar Binks
[22:38] > Every Ewok in Existence
[22:38] > That Pleiosaur thing from Episode 67
[22:38] > Live Action Motoki
[22:38] > Manga Chibi-chibi
[22:38] > A sock puppet
[22:41] <// J_Daito //> move n
[22:42] > You move north.
[22:42] <// J_Daito //> look
[22:42] > This is the far edge of reality.
[22:42] > Little is solid here.
[22:42] > A lone figure comes out of the Darkness.
[22:42] > It is Sailor Saturn!!
[22:43] <// J_Daito //> SSJ
[22:43] > You plant your feet in the ground, fix your arms in position and SCREAM!!
[22:43] > Your ki is rising!!
[22:43] > A black aura SWIRLS around you, and raw power SURROUNDS you!
[22:43] > Your hair stands on end!
[22:43] > You are SUPER JEDITE!!
[22:44] > Sailor Saturn ATTACKS!!
[22:44] > Saturn's attack Misses!!
[22:45] <// J_Daito //> grab
[22:45] > You grab Sailor Saturn!!
[22:45] > Saturn is ANGRY!!
[22:45] <// J_Daito //> crap
[22:45] > You relieve yourself on Sailor Saturn's boots!!
[22:45] > Sailor Saturn is ANGRY!!
[22:45] > Sailor Saturn Attacks!!
[22:45] > The Silence Glaive goes 6000 HP of damage!!
[22:46] <// J_Daito //> insult
[22:46] > You call Sailor Saturn the spawn of a cuttlefish!!
[22:47] > Sailor Saturn attacks!!
[22:47] > Saturn's attack misses!!
[22:47] <// J_Daito //> grab GLAIVE
[22:48] > You GRAB the Silence glaive!!
[22:48] > Sailor Saturn is STUNNED!!
[22:48] <// J_Daito //> take glaive
[22:48] > You take the Silence Glaive!!
[22:49] > Saturn is ANGRY!!
[22:49] > Sailor Saturn launches the Saturn Kamehameha!!
[22:49] > The Saturn Kamehameha DISMEMBERS You!
[22:49] <// J_Daito //> use Glaive
[22:49] > You are using the Silence Glaive.
[22:50] <// J_Daito //> Silent Wall
[22:50] > You erect a Silent Wall!
[22:50] > Sailor Saturn Attacks!!
[22:50] > Sailor Saturn launches the Saturn Kamehameha!!
[22:50] > The Saturn Kamehameha bounces off your Silent Wall!!
[22:51] <// J_Daito //> Ki blast
[22:51] > You cannot use a ki blast while you are erecting a Silent Wall.
[22:52] > Sailor Saturn Attacks!!
[22:52] > Sailor Saturn launches the Saturn Kamehameha!!
[22:52] > The Saturn Kamehameha bounces off your Silent Wall!!
[22:52] <// J_Daito //> ...
[22:53] > I don't understand!
[22:53] > The Silent Wall is draining your mana!!
[22:53] <// J_Daito //> attack
[22:53] > You cannot use the Silence glaive to attack without lowering Silent Wall first.
[22:54] > Sailor Saturn Attacks!!
[22:54] > Sailor Saturn launches the Saturn Kamehameha!!
[22:54] > The Saturn Kamehameha bounces off your Silent Wall!!
[22:54] > The Silent Wall has drained your mana!!
[22:54] > The Silent Wall is draining your ki!!
[22:54] <// J_Daito //> drop silent wall
[22:55] > Sailor Saturn Attacks!!
[22:55] > You have dropped the Silent Wall.
[22:55] > Sailor Saturn launches the Saturn Kamehameha!!
[22:55] > The Saturn Kamehameha DISMEMBERS YOU!
[22:55] > The Saturn Kamehameha does 5000 HP Damage!
[22:56] <// J_Daito //> use Silence Glaive
[22:56] > Which attack?
[22:57] <// J_Daito //> list Silence Glaive attacks
[22:57] > Sailor Saturn Attacks!!
[22:57] > Sailor Saturn launches the Saturn Kamehameha!!
[22:57] > The Saturn Kamehameha DISMEMBERS YOU!
[22:55] > The Saturn Kamehameha does 5000 HP Damage!
[22:57] > Attack list for item Silence Glaive:
[22:57] > Silent Wall (Defensive) - 0 HP Damage
[22:57] > Silence Glaive Surprise - 5000 HP Damage
[22:57] > Death Reborn Revolution - 10,000,000,000,000,000,00 HP Damage
[22:59] <// J_Daito //> Death Reborn Revolution
[22:59] > You launch Death Reborn Revolution!
[22:59] > Sailor Saturn is STUNNED!
[22:59] > You are on fire!
[23:00] <// J_Daito //> ?!
[23:00] > Sailor Saturn is on fire!
[23:00] > The world is on fire!
[23:00] > Sailor Saturn is BURNING!
[23:00] > You are BURNING!
[23:00] > The world is BURNING!
[23:01] <// J_Daito //> item list
[23:01] > Sailor Saturn is ON FIRE!
[23:01] > You are ON FIRE!
[23:01] > Item list:
[23:02] > Silence Glaive
[23:02] > Kunzite's Head
[23:02] > Barney's Hide
[23:02] > Wesley Crusher's Uniform
[23:03] > Maboroshi no Ginzushou (II)
[23:03] > Tacks
[23:03] > The world is on FIRE!
[23:03] > Pictures of
[23:03] > An autographed photo of Mr. Satan
[23:04] <// J_Daito //> stop list
[23:04] > The list has been stopped.
[23:04] > Sailor Saturn is MELTING!!
[23:04] > You are MELTING!!
[23:04] > Everything else is DEAD!!
[23:05] <// J_Daito //> use Maboroshi no Ginzoushou II
[23:05] > You can't use the Maboroshi no Ginzoushou, you have an evil heart!
[23:05] <// J_Daito //> now they fu[BLEEP]ing tell me
[23:05] > I don't understand "now they fu[BLEEP]ing tell me"
[23:06] > Sailor Saturn is UNCONCIOUS!
[23:06] > You are getting DIZZY!
[23:06] > The world has EXPLODED!
[23:06] <// J_Daito //> rip heart out of Sailor Saturn
[23:07] > You RIP the heart out of Sailor Saturn!!
[23:07] > Sailor Saturn is DEAD!!
[23:07] <// J_Daito //> Use Maboroshi no Ginzushou II
[23:08] > The power of Saturn's pure heart has been TAINTED! It cannot power the Ginzoushou!
[23:08] > You are DEAD!!
[23:09] > Your pure evil heart powers the Maboroshi no Ginzoushou II!!
[23:09] > The universe is restored!!
[23:10] > You are RESURRECTED!!
[23:10] <// J_Daito //> Wow, golly, that was neato KEEN! Wha... what the Heck? Gosh n' Golly, why'm I talking like this?
[23:11] <FireFly_9> I will slowly strip the skin of your flailing, tortured bodies and lower you into a vat of salty vinegar one MILLIMETER at a time!!
[23:12] <.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> I believe that Frederich Neitzsche said it most eloquently when...
[23:12] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I want to fingerpaint and kiss boys.
[23:13] <Mdm_Maestro> I gotta go gas up the Ferarri, beb you punk bitaches
[23:13] <GERMATOID> i want to help puppies
[23:14] <♥ Cést la Vie ♥> Who needs boys! I've got my homework to do!
[23:14] <- spiritflame -> WHAT'RE YOU SKANKS GAWKIN' AT?!
[23:14] <// J_Daito //> use maboroshi no ginzushou II
[23:14] <// J_Daito //> use maboroshi no ginzushou II
[23:14] <// J_Daito //> use maboroshi no ginzushou II
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