Suburban Senshi: The Next Generation of Edutainment
#421: “Haruka: Behind the Fuku”

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*** Topic is '-= eheh =-'
[14:01] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Hey I found this cool questionaire thing online I thought I'd fill it out
[14:02] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> Why don't you put it in your sidebar thing?
[14:02] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> ehh, nobody reads that [BLEEP]
[14:02] <[ Dr_Xadium ]> ...
[14:02] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=-->
[[ INFO ]]
Name: Ten'ou Haruka
Status: Long Term Relationship
Crush: I've tried to, but the Inners keep fighting back
How long have you liked him/her: What... oh! Err, I like no one except Michiru. Yeah
Current hair color: Sandly Blonde
Eye color: Changes by the second
Birthplace: Japan
Shoe size: big
Do you have a bf: no hahaha

[[when was the last time you..]]
Kissed someone: err I told someone to kiss my [BLEEP], does that count?
Talked to an ex: No one leaves me, baybee!
Had a nightmare: I once dreamt that I woke up wearing a soft frilly pink dress and I was covered in sweet perfume and baby powder.

[[ Other ]]
Psychological problems: None
Last song you heard: "Gravity" from Wolf's Rain
Do you look like any celebrities: Yeah, like me
Do your friends 'know' you: Err... in the Biblical sense?
Most listened to bands: Eminem (not a band, but)
Are you an anarchist: I used to be but there's this court order out on me
Do you dislike "preps": Stupid punks.
Do your night time activites usually involve drunken underage vomiting: drunken overage vomiting, maybe
Have you ever slept in an alley or park: Not voluntarily

[x] Wallet – fat. you could bitchslap someone with it and their face would explode
[x] Hairbrush-- It's a *comb* baby, a shiny blak comb
[x] Toothbrush – Electric, yellow head
[x] Jewelry worn daily - pearl earrings, silver cross, gold ring
[x] Pillow cover – blue silk
[x] Blanket – large, downy blue and heavy
[x] Coffee cup – Bleh, I have a beer keg
[x] Sunglasses – They actually make me less cool
[x] Underwear--- Stripey Speedo
[x] Favorite shirt – White, loose silk
[x] Cologne/Perfume – Old Spice
[x] CD in stereo right now – 20,000 MP3s, baby-- get with the times!
[x] Tattoos - 0
[x] Piercings – 2
[x] What you are wearing now – Ratty old Pajamas
[x] In my mouth – teeth, gums and tounnge (mine)
[x] In my head – "Damn this quiz is [BLEEP]ing long"
[x] Wishing – That this would be done already
[x] After this – watch some anime, go outside and kick some ass
[x] Fetishes – hehehehehehe
[x] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? – Tsukino Usagi, she keeps lording her damn reincarnated self over us. Why the hell is that Ditz our "Maximum Leader" huh? I'm way more competent than her!
[x] Person you wish you could see right now – Me in the mirror
[x] Is next to you – Michiru, bitching about my flatulence or something
[x] Some of your favorite movies – 2 Fast 2 Furious, Ruyhei Kitamura's _Azumi_ and _Versus_, Matrix Reloaded
[x] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month – Michiru depositing more cash money in my bank account
[x] The last thing you ate -- Chips and Salsa and Takoyaki
[x] Something that you are deathly afraid of – Michiru, pissed at me
[x] Do you like candles – yes
[x] Do you like incense – no
[x] Do you like the taste of blood – WTF??
[x] Do you believe in love – yes
[x] Do you believe in soul mates – yes
[x] Do you believe in love at first sight – yes
[x] What do you want done with your body when you die – Oh god keep Souichi Tomoe away from it
[x] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be – A talking cat that does my bidding
[x] What is the latest you've ever stayed up – Sometimes I just don't sleep
[x] Can you eat with chopsticks – Duh
[x] What's your favorite coin – Any one I can SPEND
[x] What are some of your favorite candies -- anything sweet man
[x] What's something that you wish people would understand –That I am not a cold hearted ruthless bastard, just a cold hearted ruthless pragmatist
[x] What's something you wish you could understand better – how to cheat at Counterstrike
[x] Who is someone that you really wish was still around – Setsuna, she made me tons of cash with her stock / lotto picks (why the heck you think her color's GREEN)

*** Disconnected