Suburban Senshi: Greetings, Programs!
#423: “Many Happy Returns”

*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
*** Topic is '-= Payback's a b*tch =-'
[12:35] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> hehehehe
[12:35] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> heheheheheh
[12:36] <Mdm_Maestro> I expect you're waiting for your presents, eh, Haruka?
[12:36] * --=[ SpeedRcrX ]=-- chuckles

[12:36] <FireFly_9> Well I bought a birthday present...
[12:36] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> give it!!
[12:36] <FireFly_9> What?
[12:37] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> my present give it!
[12:37] <FireFly_9> I never said it was for *you*.
[12:37] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> whaa?
[12:37] <FireFly_9> Or have you already forgotten what you did to me on the 6th?
[12:37] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Whawaz the 6th?
[12:37] <FireFly_9> Are you drunk?
[12:38] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> No way im just nicely liquered
[12:38] * FireFly_9 twirls the keys to her new shiny green Ferarri around her finger

[12:38] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> wtf c'mon why do you have that, you don't even like to drive!
[12:39] <FireFly_9> Oh, I just bought it for myself on a whim... I think I'll give this to charity.
[12:39] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Dammit I'll take your donation
[12:40] <FireFly_9> I grant you my ire, my distaste, my loathing and my amusement as you reap what you have sown.
[12:42] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Man don't be cruel
[12:42] <FireFly_9> Perhaps I am too cruel.
[12:43] * FireFly_9 hands you a small die cast replica of said Ferarri

[12:43] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> You're gonna grow up to be something scary, you know that
[12:44] <FireFly_9> Been there, done that.
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