*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi*** Topic is '-= Almost there folks =-'
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> This incredible Kill Nako comic from Brandt is the second-to last one I have in the queue, and the last one I can put up until GKScotty's entry is finished, so this will be the last regular day of the "Kill Nako Challenge"
<// J_Daito //> Hhehehe let's END that blue freak of nature
<Cést_la_V> Hmph, this stinks!! Abusing my Nako-chan for ratings!! Xadium-san no baka!
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> I'll make it up to you on white chocolate day
<Cést_la_V> You keep saying that...
<.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> STFU U pplz, lets get dis sit on da rod!!!1
<H3LLI05> Hey quit the g
[BLEEP]y entendre
<FireFly_9> What? How is that entendre?
<H3LLI05> man you prudish broad, its all about man love when you get s
[BLEEP]t on the ro
[20:36] *** [ Dr_Xadium ] has kicked H3LLi05 from #suburbansenshi (REASON: OVER THE LINE BUDDY, OVER THE LINE)
<--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> So uhh...
[BLEEP]...uhh... the comic, yeah...
<// J_Daito //> LMAO Tomoe had a My Little Pony
<FireFly_9> So?
<// J_Daito //> HAHAHAH Das Uber Goth with a rainbow-maned white pony
<FireFly_9> I'm not goth!
<// J_Daito //> Denial is the first stage
<FireFly_9> ...
<.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> ror pegasus used 2 prob mi
[20:42] * FireFly_9 vomits
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> Don't give away tomorrow's sick surprise
<FireFly_9> What...?
<[ Dr_Xadium ]> You'll understand when you see it... and believe me you'll wish you hadn't
<FireFly_9> Why am I filled with dread
<.'~SugaBB_2999~'.> oh fack u fod DAT picktur?!!
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