#756: “Devious Honey Suburban Senshi Jazz”

*** Now talking in #suburbansenshi
Topic is -= The suburban shiznit =-

[03:21] <// J_Daito //> NEw poll topic: The new iPod: Does it look like a feminine hygiene product or a rectal thermometer?
[03:21] * // J_Daito // enfolds himself in his cape and vanishes in a haze of cool CGI
[01:31] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Dude.
[01:31] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I have one thing to say to that s[BLEEP]t.
[01:32] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I am the Reverend Doctor Ten'ou Shmoove
[01:33] <FireFly_9> What.
[01:34] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> And you, my dear adopted child are "Tricktickler Hotaru Squeeze".
[01:35] * FireFly_9 is just... flabbergasted by that.
[01:35] <.`~SugaBB_2999~`.> wat da fick u dong, harackra
[01:36] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> ahh it's my homie Deacon Dr. Chibiusa Smooth
[01:36] <.`~SugaBB_2999~`.> holy sit i lik dat nem
[01:36] <FireFly_9> Where are you getting this...
[01:38] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> You, Prof, are "Master Pimp Tomoe Flow"
[01:39] <.`~SugaBB_2999~`.> /mi boews 2 da mastar pamp
[01:39] <FireFly_9> ...
[01:40] * C'est_la_V comes in kind of embarassed looking because she left the soap in the wrong place, X-chan slipped on it and now has concussion and is knocked out.
[01:42] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> You mean you knocked out Macktastic X. Gates, even after he went through all the trouble to write up that article on you for the Temple of Venus?
[01:43] <C'est_la_V> Dare?
[01:43] <FireFly_9> Macktastic X. Gates = Xadium-san, don't ask me, apparently I am "Tricktickler Hotaru Squeeze".
[01:44] <C'est_la_V> LOL
[01:46] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Smooth move, D. Magical Venus Valentine
[01:47] <C'est_la_V> ^_^
[01:47] <// J_Daito //> I see you're giving everyone pimp names.
[01:48] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> That's right, Ghetto Fabulous Jedite Ice
[01:48] <// J_Daito //> ...........
[01:48] <C'est_la_V> What would Artemis' be??
[01:49] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Golden Brown Artemis Rockefeller
[01:49] <=^catablanca^=> WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!?
[01:49] <C'est_la_V> Oh, you were there?
[01:50] <FireFly_9> I don't think it's supposed to make sense ¬_¬;
[01:51] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Shush, my Sweet Chocolate Kaioh Flava liked it when I gave her a pimp name
[01:52] <FireFly_9> You called her "Sweet Chocolate Kaioh Flava?"
[01:52] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> You'd be amazed with what you can get away with at the right... moment.
[01:52] * FireFly_9 facepalms
[01:53] * @spiritflame shakes her heard, heard that particular... exclamation.
[01:53] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> 'sup, Fine-ass R. Smooth?
[01:54] * @spiritflame GLARES at Haruka
[01:54] *** Crwn_FruT_Gamer [monotavern.crown.co.jp] has joined #suburbansenshi
[01:54] <@spiritflame> Irasshai Crwn_FruT_Gamer
[01:54] <Crwn_FruT_Gamer> Hi everyone!
[01:54] <C'est_la_V> Hi Hi Motoki-oniisan!!
[01:55] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yo, Snake Eyes Motoki Slick!
[01:55] <FireFly_9> Motoki-san.
[01:55] <=^catablanca^=> I AM NOT A FUR!!!!~~~
[01:56] <Crwn_FruT_Gamer> Snake what?
[01:56] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> That's your pimp name
[01:56] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Like Reika would be "Silver Tongue Reika Valentine"
[01:57] *** Crwn_FruT_Gamer [monotavern.crown.co.jp] has quit IRC (OH GOD I MISS HER)
[01:57] <FireFly_9> That was... exceedingly stupid, Haruka-poppa.
[01:58] <C'est_la_V> You know she's my second cousin or something.
[01:58] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> You do know she's in Austria.
[01:58] <// J_Daito //> f[BLEEP]king.
[01:59] <C'est_la_V> .......
[01:59] <=^catablanca^=> There's a town named f[BLEEP]king there.
[01:59] <// J_Daito //> No, she's in Austria f[BLEEP]king.
[02:00] <C'est_la_V> But... Motoki oniisan was online... is he there too?
[02:00] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> That's the uhh... thing.
[02:00] <FireFly_9> He's not.
[02:00] <C'est_la_V> But how could sh... oh. OH.
[02:00] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> Yeeeeeeeeah.
[02:01] <C'est_la_V> Poor Motoki-oniisan...
[02:01] <C'est_la_V> Does he know?
[02:01] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> All attempts to inform him have collided with his denial barrier.
[02:02] <C'est_la_V> Maybe I should talk to her.
[02:02] <// J_Daito //> "Go to Austria. Ask for Kurt. He will f[BLEEP]k you." </Kung Fu>
[02:02] * C'est_la_V doesn't want that.
[02:07] <C'est_la_V> We should help him.
[02:07] <C'est_la_V> ?
[02:07] * =^catablanca^= is being sued by Luna, remember?
[02:08] <C'est_la_V> But you moved in with Hotaru-chan...
[02:08] * =^catablanca^= ... has no choice... but needs your help to defeat the insane luna.
[02:08] <C'est_la_V> BAKA. I would have helped you if you'd just asked. :P
[02:09] <=^catablanca^=> Really? I'm asking!
[02:09] <C'est_la_V> ^_^ ok!!
[02:09] <=^catablanca^=> ehehehehehehehehehehehehee
[02:09] *** C'est_la_V [GldnGoddess@ip6942.ai.co.jp] has quit IRC (I'm coming over to your room, Hotaru-chan, let's talk strategy)
[02:09] *** FireFly_9 [ruin@ntt1.docomo.jp] has quit IRC (this will be scary)
[02:10] *** =^catablanca^= [arty@ip6943.ai.co.jp] has quit IRC (That girl can be insane at times... sometime's that's a VIRTUE)
[02:11] <--=[ SpeedRcrX ]=--> I wonder if Neko can beat Silicon Slick L. Kicks....
[02:11] <// J_Daito //> OH STOP IT WITH THE PIMP NAMES
[02:11] *** // J_Daito // [Jed@dialup666.darkkingdom.co.jp] has quit IRC
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